Quantity :1

Title: Agricultural biotechnology: opportunities and challeges for the Philippines.

Author : Padolina, William G.

The initiative to increase investments in modern technology to improve agricultural productivity are steps in the right direction. While financial resources will enhance the development of agricultural biotechnology, there are other factors that will influence its growth and development in the Philippines. Modern technology must be regarded as one of the tools in modernizing Philippine agriculture. Its role in varietal improvement, biosecurity, product standards, pest and diseases prevention and management must be enhanced. A critical mass of highly trained human resources in the natural and social sciences that will undertake the research and development activities in agricultural biotechnology must be assured. A massive program to allow bright, young Filipinos to pursue advanced degrees must be implemented immediately. For their thesis, these scholars must be encouraged to select research problems which are of highly relevant to the needs and priorities of the agriculture and fisheries sector of the Philippines. The component legal and regulatory systems to facilitate the conduct of research in agricultural biotechnology must be installed without delay. This will not only assist the researchers in the work but also enhance public confidence in biotechnology including genetic engineering. In order to save lead-time while we are increasing the ranks of the researchers, the government might explore the outsourcing of research projects to selected laboratories abroad. This should cover mission critical areas that need to be addressed without delay. Private sector participation in the development of the agricultural biotechnology must be encouraged. The sustainability of these research and development activities can only in assured if they are able to serve commercial purposes. This may form the beginnings of an agricultural biotechnology industry and the much-needed commercial base for modern technology to take-off in the country.


agricultural biotechnology genetic engineering DNA genomics biomass Philippines biosecurity

Material : biotech

Serial Title : PSP Seminar Monograph No. 05-02

Publication Date : 2001




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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