Quantity :1

Title: Communicating biotechnology : Conquering the fear of the unknown.

Author : Howden, Julie

The ASEAN biosafety regulations and developments including the Cartagena Biosafety Protocol as they relate to communi cation of biotechnology to the public are briefly discussed. According to AFIC studies, although there are ASEAN biosafety guidelines in addition to country-specific guidelines, most ASEAN consumers are not aware of these. consumers are confused because of (a) scarcity of scientifically correct and balanced information; (b) general unfamiliarity of the public with even conventional methods of crop production, much less, biotechnology-assisted crop production; (c) fear of new technologies, and (d) differences in global acceptance of biotechnology. The author further discussed the theories on risk communication and their implications for education program in biotechnology. These include trust determination and risk perception.


risk assessment biosafety biotechnology Cartagena protocol food security genetic engineering genetically modified

Material : biotech

Publisher : SEAMEO SEARCA,

Publication Date : 2000




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)

ISBN number: 971-560-059-X


Currently Unavailable