Quantity :1

Title: Biotechnology and biosafety in ASEAN.

Author : Posadas, Linda S.

Conclusion: The adoption of the ASEAN harmonized guidelines on risk assessment of agriculture-related GMOs is but a first step in the region's efforts to keep at par with global developments in agricultural biotechnology. Because of the implications of biotechnology and its applications on trade, environment, human health, as well as on legal, religious and ethical matters, it is imperative that ASEAN prepare itself to address these issues. Aside from strengthening the lagal and institutional framework to address biosafety concerns, capacity building in risk assessment and risk management, enhancing information sharing and networking, and building public awareness of biotechnology and its products are concerns that have to be addressed in an integrated and coordinated way, and on a sustained basis. ASEAN welcomes cooperation with other entities and organization to get going in some of these activities.


risk assessment biosafety biotechnology ASEAN food security genetically modified orgnisms technology transfer capacity building networking

Material : biotech

Publisher : SEAMEO SEARCA,

Publication Date : 2000




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)

ISBN number: 971-560-059-X


Currently Unavailable