Quantity :1

Title: IPR in Southeast Asian biotechnology.

Author : Erbisch, Frederic H.

The paper briefly reviewed the different protections given to intellectual properties (IP); copyright, patent, trademark, plant variety protection. With the advent of biotechnology development , concerns about patenting and licensing have increased. These concerns include: ability to exchange research materials, privatization of blocks of technology which may result in reduced availability of new biotechnologies, the costs associated with products utilizing biotechnology, implied licensing of all biotechnologies, and the impacts of IPs on the developing country's food supply and economy. The paper likewise briefly reviewed the IP protection available in Southeast Asia. It noted that most countries have adequate copyright and trademark laws in place. Although many countries have patent laws, their patent officers may not be able to effectively evaluate biotechnology patent applications. Plant variety protection laws or their equivalent are in various stages of development. Management of IPs at the local or institutional level was discussed. The need for an education/ awareness program for researchers, administrators, and other concerns on research and intellectual property policies were emphasized.


intellectual property rights biotechnology plant variety protection technology transfer SEA

Material : biotech

Publisher : SEAMEO SEARCA,

Publication Date : 2000




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)

ISBN number: 971-560-059-X


Currently Unavailable