Quantity :1

Title: Status of papaya industry and papaya R&D in the Philippines.

Author : Villegas, Violeta N.

Summary and conclusions: Papaya is an important commodity among Southeast Asian countries. We have similar problems that can be addressed collectively to efficiently harness available technology and resources in SEA. The potential of biotechnology in solving problems that are otherwise difficult to overcome using conventional techniques must be jointly explored and collectively shared to be able to improve the papaya industry which is currently plagued by seemingly insurmountable problems. the domestic consumption of papaya is increasing and the demand for it in the global market is growing. As regional partners, we should improve the status of the industry and make it a truly profitable commercial crop.


papaya papaya ringspot virus ACIAR SEA biotechnology anthrachnose anntisense technology

Material : biotech

Serial Title : ISAAA Briefs No. 11

Publisher : ISAAA,

Publication Date : 1999




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)

ISBN number: 1-892456-14-1


Currently Unavailable