Quantity :1

Title: UIUC-ISAAA Survey: Southeast Asians positive to agri-biotech, exhibit high trust in university scientists and research institutes.

Author : Juanillo, Napoleon K. Jr.

Southeast Asians show high interest in biotechnology and express strong appreciation for the role of science in the development of agriculture. In addition, they do not think that agricultural biotechnology is a risk to public health and food safety. They see the possible benefits arising from the applications of biotechnology in medicine, food and crop production. More specifically, they believe that biotechnology will benefit agriculture and the small farmers in their countries. Most of the businessmen, consumers and farmer leaders in SEA agree that genetically modified (GM) food should be labeled although not all of them would be willing to pay for the extra cost involved. Thai policy makers and consumers topped the bill of those stakeholders who would be willing to pay for labeling. Majority of the stakeholders in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Malaysia expressed dissatisfaction over regulatory processes in their respective countries. The Philippine stakeholders remained divided in this issue. Moreover the results indicate that survey respondents consisting of consumers, businessmen, extension workers, farmer leaders, policy makers and journalists consider university scientists and research institutes as most trustworthy.


biotechnology food safety genetically modified crop production policy makers farmer leaders extension workers small farmers factual knowledge SEA

Material : biotech

Serial Title : Crop Biotech Brief, vol. III, no. 2

Publisher : Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, ISAAA-SEAsiaCenter,

Publication Date : 2003




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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