Quantity :1

Title: Improvement of ornamental plants through induced mutations.

Author : Lamseejan, S.; Jompuk, P.; Wongpiyasatid, A.; Kwanthamachart, P.; Meesat, R.

Province of Sindh has significantly added an additional income of 87.1 US million dollars to the farmers. However, it was noted that the wheat cultivars developed through conventional breeding (Sarsabz and Sind 81) by Wheat Breeding Group at NIA, Tando Jam were also equally productive and rewarding.


ornamental plants induced mutations chrysanthemum : Chrysanthemum moriforium red ginger : Alpinia purpurata curcuma : Curcuma alismatifolia Gagnep gamma rays in vitro culture organogenic calli

Material : biotech

Publisher : FAO; IAEA,

Publication Date : 1999




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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