Author : Cohen, Joel I.
Abstract: New inputs derived from biotechnology, especially those coming from the private sector, are widely used in agriculture. Intellectual property rights protect most of these inputs. Protected materials are used and developed by public, national and international agricultural research organizations working for and with developing countries. This chapter presents insights from inventories of proprietary biotechnology inputs used by national and international agricultural research organizations. It reviews the most important findings derived from these inventories. It documents the difficult and often confusing situation that institutions face regarding the use and dissemination of products resulting from proprietary science where others hold rights. The chapter also looks at means for conducting inventories of intellectual property.
national agricultural research organizations : NAROs intellectual property rights : IPR biotechnology policies Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research : CGIAR International Service for National Agricultural Research : ISNAR
Material : biotech
Serial Title : Biotechnology in agriculture series, no. 23
Publisher : CABI Publishing; ISNAR,
Publication Date : 1999
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