Quantity :1

Title: Agricultural research and biotechnology: current and future priorities for the PCARRD Network.

Author : del Rosario, Beatriz P.; Escano, Crisanto R.; Eusebio, Jocelyn E.; Tababa, Sonny P.

Agriculture contributes about 22 percent of the national output, but employs about 45 percent of the work force. The Philippine Agriculture and Resources R and D System comprises of PCARRD and the National Agricultural and Resources Research and development Network (NARRDN). As a strategy identified in the Philippine Agriculture Medium Term Plan, national priority setting in Agricultural biotechnology was started by PCARRD in 1993 which came up with the Philippine Agriculture and Forestry Biotechnology Agenda. Priority commodities and research activities were identified through multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary consultations. In 1996, priorities were focused in accordance with the S&T agenda for National Development. The enactment of Republic Act 8435 otherwise known as the Agricultural Fisheries and Modernization Act (AFMA) further facilitated the packaging of Agricultural Biotechnology RDE Network through the same priority setting process followed by PCARRD. Further validation of the agenda involved wider consultation with stakeholders. Recognizing the need to improve its present R&D priority setting. PCARRD now embarks on applying quantitative methods to enhance its R&D management mandates and policy advocacy role.


biotechnology intellectual property rights biodiversity agriculture and fisheries modernization act : AFMA policy priority settings RDE network multi sectoral

Material : biotech




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Tags (biotech)


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