Quantity :1

Title: Philippines: Bt corn and grain quality. (Leaflet).

Author : Esteves, Lyn A.

Conclusion: Bt corn hybrids had no adverse effect on fungal microflora. Bt hybrids incurred practically no earworm damage confirming their high level of resistance to Asiatic corn borer, the predominant pest during the trials. Bt hybrids showed reduced aflatoxin level compared with their non-Bt counterparts under warm and dry environment that highly favored A. flavus growth and aflatoxin production. The magnitude of reduction was enough to make Bt corn hybrids safe for human and animal consumption. This study demonstrates the potential of Bt corn to increase corn production and enhance safety of corn-based food and feed.


yellow corn Bt corn biotechnology fungal microflora environment aflatoxin asiatic corn borer Ostrinia furnacalis Guenee microorganisms mycotoxins

Material : biotech

Publisher : SEARCA Biotechnology Information Center,

Publication Date : May 2005




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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