Quantity :1

Title: Towards food security and rice self sufficiency : A major development challenge for the Philippines in the new millenium

Author : Gonzales, Leonardo

This paper reviewed the recent development trends in the rice subsectors; analyzed the impact of globalization on the Philippine rice industry; and evaluate the performance of the domestic rice subsector relative to food security and rice self-sufficiency objectives. The analysis showed that the failure of rice programs to attain rice self-sufficiency was not due to the absences of science or the incapability of domestic rice institutions or generate appropriate technologies, but rather, the lack of political will, particularly expressed in inadequate public funding, to support such programs. The paper concluded that a rice self-sufficiency program, as a strategy to attain food security, is still relevant under the current socio-economic and political settings. However, in pursuing such a program, all expected costs and benefits and other alternative strategies should be clearly defined among the rice stakeholders.


food security rice technology globalization policy farming systems

Material : biotech

Serial Title : NAST Monography Series No. 3

Publisher : The National Academy of Science and Technology,

Publication Date : 2003

ISSN : 1655-4299




SEARCA Library


Tags (biotech)


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