Quantity :1

Title: Morphological, molecular and life-history homogeneity among local populations of Scirtothrips dorsalis hood (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in the Philippines

Author : Apolinario; Jena Joy DG.; Medina, Celia DR.; Velasco, Luis Rey I.; Mendioro, Merlyn S.


chilli thrips; population diversity; mango; morphometrics analysis; Curcuma longa; essential oils; Lantana camara; Scirtothrips dorsalis; topical toxicity; repellency

Material : serials

Serial Title : Philippine Agricultural Scientist

Publisher : College of Agriculture and Food Science, UPLB

Publication Date : September 2018

ISSN : 0031-7454



PAS V101N3

SEARCA Library


Tags (serials)


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