Author : uiazon, Karl Marx A. Q; Santos, Mudjekeewis D.; Yoshinaga, Tomoyoshi
Cetaceans, including dolphins, serve as definitive hosts of zoonotic anisakid nematodes, which are important etiological agents for human anisakiasis and allergy-associated health risks. With limited knowledge of these zoonotic parasites from the marine environment in the Philippine waters, the stranding of a Fraserâs dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser, 1956) off the central Philippines made it possible to identify the worm species isolated from its gut. Parasitological examinations were carried out using morphological and molecular tools. Morphologically, the SEM and LM data revealed that the specimens belong to the genus Anisakis of the Type 1 group. Molecularly, PCR-RFLP results of the ITS region generated only a single fragment pattern on all worm samples corresponding to the reported molecular keys for A. typica. Further sequence and phylogenetic analyses of both ITS rDNA and mtDNA COX2 genes confirmed the anisakid nematodesâ identity as A. typica. The molecular data obtained in this study support previous findings on the possible existence of local variants of A. typica in this region.
Lagenodelphis hosei; Fraser’s dolphin; Anisakis typica; Philippines; PCR-RFLP; ITS rDNA; mtDNA COX2
Material : serials
Serial Title : The Philippine Journal of Fisheries
Publisher : Department of Agriculture, National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (DA-NFRDI)
Publication Date : Jul-Dec 2020
ISSN : 0048-377X
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