Quantity :1

Title: Postharvest handling and postharvest loss of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum): The case of Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Author : Antolin, Ma. Cecilia R.; Flores, Edgar D.; Idago, Rodelio G.; Malanon, Hernaiz; Neric, Jr, Cesar F.

This paper analysed the postharvest handling system and the corresponding postharvest losses of tomato in the province of Nueva Ecija, the top producer of tomato in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study employed value chain analysis framework to map out the tomato market channels, identify the value chain actors, determine the series of postharvest handling operations and measure the qualitative and quantitative losses from farm to the retail market. Quantitative loss was measured by direct measurement of physical losses while qualitative loss was measured using visual quality rating (VQR) based on established quality profile (QP). Two market channels were observed in the measurement of postharvest losses: Nueva Ecija to Divisoria and Nueva Ecija to Bulacan market channels. Survey, focus group discussion (FGD), key informants interview (KII) and literature search were used by the study to obtain the required primary and secondary data.

The study revealed that the major postharvest handling operations of tomato were as follows: Farmer level- harvesting and hauling, sorting and packing, transport and marketing; at the trader/wholesaler level- transport, storage, marketing; at the retailer level- transport, sorting, marketing. Postharvest loss in Nueva Ecija to Divisoria was measured at 9.97% and 18% for quantitative and qualitative loss , respectively in five days while Nueva Ecija to Bulacan market channel had 37.71% and 41%, respectively in seven days. The value chain segment of the retailer and the famer, in both market channels, had the highest contribution to overall postharvest loss. Therefore, targeted interventions should be focused on these value chain segments to significantly curb postharvest loss.


tomato; value chain analysis; postharvest handling system; postharvest losses

Material : serials

Serial Title : Asian Journal of Postharvest and Mechanization

Publisher : Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech)

Publication Date : 2022

ISSN : 2546-1346




SEARCA Library


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