Quantity :1

Title: The viability of high-temperature storage for smallholder onion farmers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Author : Idago, Rodelio G.; Flores, Edgar D.; Malanon, Hernaiz G.; Miranda, Domingo R.

This paper discusses the technical, financial and economic viability of high-temperature storage (HTS) as an alternative storage of bulb onion for smallholder farmers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines. The HTS is a generic type of non-refrigerated storage (NRS) system that applies storage temperature slightly higher than ambient condition designed for medium-duration storage. The study revealed that percentage storage losses in HTS is 11.52% and 38.92% in 70 and 140 days, respectively and increases progressively to 85.25% in 224 days. The optimum storage duration under HTS is 112 days given current price, storage costs and losses. Putting up HTS as private investment will be financially viable at storage fee of PhP70/bag. At this rate however, farmers may not avail of its service because of marginal increase in income creating little incentive for its sustained use and adoption. Putting up HTS as public investment is economically viable with an ERR of 33.59% and 11.40% under partial and full subsidy, respectively. The economic gains would come from reduced storage losses. Providing HTS under public investment scheme can provide farmers incremental income of Php61,576 to Php92,364 per season by storing and selling 50-75% of their harvest creating opportunity for local producers higher economic returns from their produce.


peak production; losses; market glut, incremental income; economic return

Material : serials

Serial Title : Asian Journal of Postharvest and Mechanization

Publisher : Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PHilMech)

Publication Date : 2022

ISSN : 2546-1346




SEARCA Library


Tags (serials)


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