Quantity :1

Title: Translating scientific information to practice: The case of insect pest management in Vietnam

Author : Heong, Kong Luen; Escalada, Monina M.; Chien, Ho Van

Heuristic techniques refine research information for stakeholders to make informed decisions. These techiques are rules of simplifiying information processing and decision-making, which play an important role in converting scientific knowledge into practice. This process of finding adequate answers through simple procedures follows two systems: System 1 for daily decision-making generally sed by farmers, and System 2 for making evidence-baded decisions of scientists and heads of organizations, among others.

Leaders appointed to head research systems in Southeast Asia may have strong technical and scientific backgrounds. However, some of them fall short when it comes to leadership and management know-how. This study showed how research managers can relate the impact of their research to the society.


fast moving consumer goods; climate change; insect pest management; Vietnam

Material : serials

Serial Title : SEARCA Agriculture and Development Notes 2014 4-3

Publisher : SEARCA

Publication Date : 2014

ISSN : 2225-9694 (print); 2599-3860 (electronic)

Internet Resource: https://www.searca.org/pubs/briefs-notes?pid=248



SEARCA ADN 2014 4-3

SEARCA Library

Printed; electronic

Tags (serials)


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