
  Title: UNEP/GEF biosafety enabling pilot project.


cartagena biosafety living modified organisms risk assessment biotechnology environmental management regulatory system

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Kinderlerer, Julian





SEARCA Library


International Services for National Agricultural Research,


The Hague, The Netherlands :

Impacts: In sum, the projects was seen as crucial for ensuring the safe use of biotechnology and ensuring that those not well versed in the technology could be confident of the safety of products imported into their countries. Participants clearly recognized the need to consider issues raised both by the developlment of indigenous biotechnology and by products imported from or exported to other countries. Even where the capacity to utilize biotechnology has long been demonstrated, as China, the project provided environmental agencies with an opportunity to map what was happening. It also enouraged development of a clear framework of regulations and guidelines. In countries where development of biotechnology is lagging relative to the industrialized countries, the project provided impetus both for establishing a regulatory framework and for kick-starting the use of biotechnology techniques. It was exciting to hear how the project shaped a new vision of this science. A project that had the assurance of safety as its primary motivation may well have furthered the more general implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It also brought developing countries to a realization of both the potential benefits and risks of applying biotechnology in its many spheres of application.

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