
  Title: Novel foods and feed - regulatory aspects.


DNA technology genetically modified foods foods and feeds transgenic food crops herbicide tolerance pest resistance food safety

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Noordam, M.Y.; Kok, E.J.; Kuiper, H.A.





SEARCA Library


Ministry of Economic Affairs,

January 1998

The Hague, The Netherlands :

The number of genetically modified food crops and products derived from these crops on the world market is steadily increasing. Plants with altered agronomic traits like herbicide tolereance, pest resistance, and improved processing qualities were the first to enter the market, plants with modified nutritional values are soon to follow. Throughout the world regulations and safety assessment strategies have been developed. Differences can be observed with respect to the regulations for market introduction and the food safety assessment of foods and food ingredients derived by gene technology. This report discusses regulations and guidelines concerning the introduction onto the market of novel foods (and feed) in the European Union, the United States of America, Canada, Australia/New Zealand and in short, Japan. Recent international development in food safety assessment strategies are also discussed.

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