
  Title: Biosafety of site-specific recombination-mediated and homing endonuclease-mediated chromosome modifications in plants.


biosafety endonuclease systems chromosome heterologous systems DNA transgenic pleiotropic ecological toxicology

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Gilissen, Luud J.W.J.; Nap, Jan-Peter





SEARCA Library


Department of Molecular Biology, Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Rese

September 1999

Wageningen, The Netherlands :

Conclusion: The use of site-specific recombination or endonuclease systems in genetic modification of plants is not likely to pose significant biosafety risks. Site-specific recombination systems in plants are attractive tools in the further development of precision in the genetic modification of plants. The use of homing endonuclease systems for gene trargeting would seem to require technological improvements to be sufficiently efficcient and predictable.

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