
  Title: Country status report of Myanmar.


biotechnology Myanmar biosafety capacity building risk assessment risk management genetically modified organisms DNA cartagena protocol

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Khin Maung Thet





SEARCA Library


Myanmar is geographically located in SEA sharing boarders with Bangladesh, India, China, Laos and Thailand. Myanmar possesses tropical and subtropical climates with three seasons namely: rainy season, cold season and summer. Because of the abundant land, water and human resources Myanmar has been prominent as an agriculture country and will be so in the future. Since the development in agriculture enhances the socio-economic development of the country, the government of the Union of Myanmar has designated agriculture sector as a main driven force for the national economy. In order to meet the domestic food consumption and to earn foreign currency for national development, appropriate agronomic techniques and modern crop varieties were adopted in agriculture.

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