
  Title: Country status report and perspectives on biosafety aspects of GMOs in Thailand.


biotechnology Thailand biosafety risks assessment genetic engineering food safety genetically modified organisms transgenic plants

Tags (biotech)





SEARCA Library


Despite the limited resource and expertise in modern biotechnology, Thailand is going ahead with voluntary guidelines for biosafety. The NBC and DOA-IBC are two key regulators for control the LMOs. While the role of the NBC is advisory, the DOA-IBC is facing up to the big challenge of biosafety monitoring, particularly with respect to the issue of deregulation. Under the Ministrial Decree, only the Minister ot Ministry of Agricultural and Cooperative with advice of the Director General of DOA, can deregulate certain transgenic plant species. There should be a way or means that this process is well accepted by the general public and trading partners. Any decision should be seen to have been made using scientific based data and a clear national policy. Whereas, the FDA is responsible to food safety assessment on GMOs for human consumption and its labelling for consumer information with the support from BIOTEC, DOA and Department of Medical Sciences for the laboratory analysis.

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