
  Title: Can farmers in the developing countries benefit from modern technology? : Experience from Makhathini Flats, Republic of South Africa.


genetic engineering genetically modified crops biotechnology Bt cotton farming systems agronomic

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Ismael, Yousouf





SEARCA Library


Crop Biotech Brief, vol. I, no. 5, 2001

Global Knowledge Center on Crop Biotechnology, ISAAA-SEAsiaCenter,


Manila, Philippines :

Conclusion: The results of this survey provide considerable cause for cautious optimism regarding the impacts of Bt cotton. The farmers who adopted the Bt-cotton variety benefited from the new technology in terms of gross margin particularly in the second season. Average yield per hectare and peer kilogram of seed was higher for adopters than for the non-adopters, and the increase in yield allied with a reduction in pesticide cost outweighed the higher seed cost. This was a bad year, due to unusually heavy rainfall and the Bt adopters suffered far less of a fall in yields than those who did not adopt. Apart from pesticide cost reduction, the adopters of Bt cotton presumably enjoyed other potential benefits such as a reduction in spraying costs (including labour) and saving of time. Moreover, a reduction in the quantity of insecticide applied in the area would be beneficial in terms of human health and the environment. In a system such as that of cotton production on the Makhathini Flats, with only one supplier of inputs, source of credit, and the only market, it is perhaps not surprising that the main dynamics at play in adoption of Bt cotton were as they were. The tendency was for the older, more experienced farmers and those with larger farms to have higher percentages of adopters especially in the first year of adoption. this can be explained by the fact that these were the farmers who were more likely to be granted credit. They were also able to finance the higher seed costs from savings or from other income sources and are more likely to take risks. Indeed, almost all in the sample said they would adopt Bt cotton it they had the financial resources to do so. However, given the short study period (two years), no definitive conclusions can be drawn about the adoption dynamics in the region. Some farmers may decide to return to non-Bt varieties in the long run, if the seed suppliers decide to appropriate a greater share of the benefits by raising their prices.

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