
  Title: Proceedings of the trainer's training on biotechnology advocacy and information campaign


biotechnology genetic engineering genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety transgenic crops biodiversity Bt corn DNA information networking education and communication tissue culture

Tags (biotech)





SEARCA Library


March 2002

CVARRD organized an advocacy awareness campaign to counteract wrong information fed to the grassroots by providing them timely, factual and science-based information. Its objectives were: 1) to provide science-based information on agricultural biotechnology using appropriate formats and channels to various stakeholders; 2) to sensitize the local government officials, the farmers, technicians, and general public on the pros and cons and the biosafety considerations of modern biotechnology in agriculture; 3) to train field technicians and media practitioners on the dissemination and communication of information on biotechnology; and 4) to institutionalize a biotechnology information and resource center to sustain promotion and adoption in Isabela. Topics discussed: 1) Trends and status of biotechnology; overview of CVARRD; 2) Biotechnology advocacy and awareness campaign; 3) SEARCA-BIC and ISAAA biotechnology programs; 4) Biotechnology: basics and concepts and prospects in agriculture; 5) Issues and concerns on biotechnology; 6) The Bt corn field trial protocol and significant results; 7) Regulatory approaches on biotechnology; 8) Communication approaches: how to be an effective biotechnology communicator.

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