
  Title: Biosafety and risk assessment in agricultural biotechnology : A workbook for technical training.


biosafety capacity building risk assessment risk management biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified organisms : GMOs

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Traynor, Patricia L.





SEARCA Library


The Agricultural Biotechnology Support Project, Institute of International Agric


Michigan State University, USA :

This workbook is organized in three parts. Part One: Biosafety in Principle and Practice comprises background and instructional material organized in six section. Following the purpose and rationale for creating the book, the intended audience, and the organization of the book, ,section two presents the context for biosafety assessments, the resources necessary for conducting them, and the process that supports regulatory decision making. Section three covers risk assessment and the environmental and health issues.The cases are based on applications submitted to nationa biosafety review committees.

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