
  Title: Uses and nutritional impact of fat reduction ingedients.


fatty acid carbohydrates protein modified foods glucose cellulose

Tags (biotech)




SEARCA Library


IFIC Review

IFIC Foundation,

September 1997

Washington, D.C :

Conclusion: Dietary guidelines regarding fat intake, lower-fat products containing a variety of fat reduction ingredients are available in supermarkets, with more likely to be available in the future. These ingredients mimic the functions of fat in foods to supply texture, bulk and mouth feel in foods, and may be categorized according to their source, e.g., carbohydrate-based, protein-based or fat-based. The advice to reduce dietary fat represents a cornerstone of existing dietary guidelines designed to promote health and well-being. As part of a balanced eating plan that features recommended amounts of grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, meat and meat alternatives, fat-modified foods can be useful tools to help implement this advice. Products lower in fat expand the food choices from which consumers may select to help bring diets in line with dietary guidelines. The effect of substituting fat-modified foods for similar full-fat products ultimately may move closer to reduced fat and possible calorie intake. The use of good-tasting reduced-fat, lower-fat and fat-free foods is among the most easily adopted and maintained strategies to meet these goals. Clearly, there is a role for individual responsibility in the appropriate use of reduced-fat, low-fat and fat-free foods in a healthful diet. Health professionals can educate consumers about substituting lower-fat foods for higher-fat, higher-calorie alternatives and consuming these products as part of a diet that includes a variety of foods from all food groups and one that matches individual calorie needs.

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