
  Title: International collaboration in agricultural biotechnology.


biotechnology biodiversity technology transfer intellectual property human resource development policy information services transgenic plants capacity building

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Komen, John





SEARCA Library


Abstract: A wide range of international collaborative opportunities is available for agricultural research organizations that plan or implement research programs in agricultural biotechnology. International collaboration helps research managers monitor new development and access technologies for agricultural research, facilitate local capacity building, and obtain advice and expertise on research management issues. Starting in the mid 1980s, a number of international initiatives in agricultural biotechnology have been established which provide an important source of new technologies, opportunitieis for local capacity building, and management assistance. This chapter summarizes various international initiatives in agricultural biotechnology. It analyses the research and training opportunities and management services those initiatives provide to developing-country partner institutions. Finally, it discusses selected management considerations for national organizations participating in international collaborative research.

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