
  Title: Managing opportunities and constraints in international collaboration: the case of the Oil plants Institute.


biotechnology tissue culture coconut production biosafety bio-agronomy processing technology Oil Plants Institute : OPI intellectual property

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Ngo Thi Lam Giang





SEARCA Library


Abstract: As a result of changing national and international requirements with respect to intellectual property, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) has developed and begun to implement a new, internal policy for intellectual property protection. The purpose of the policy is to maintain research quality, enhance competitiveness, and prepare EMBRAPA for the demans and challenges of modern agriculture, including new business opportunities. Different operating structures to support the policy have been tested. This chapter analyzes the design and implementation of the new policy and considers related managerial challenges. The chapter also reviews the essential legal instruments (statutes, national legislation) that have been developed, as they highlight the importance of capacity building and the acquisition of new management skills.

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