
  Title: Science and the environmentally effects of GM crops.


genetically modified organisms : GMOs biotechnology DNA technology gene transfer transgenic crops genomic risk assessment biodiversity gene flow food security

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Persley, Gabrielle





SEARCA Library



Asia-Pacific Crop Protection Association (APCPA),

September 2001

Bangkok, Thailand :

Conclusion: In assessing the potential impact of biotechnology, the interpretation of data is subject to the interests and value judgements of a variety of stakeholders. Identical information can lead some to consider agricultural biotechnologies to be amongst the most powerful and promising means of ensuring future food security and generating additional wealth for presently disadvantaged nations, communities and individuals. Others perceive biotechnology as a threat to the well-being and livelihoods of people, countries and the environment in both industrial and developing countries. Differing realities and plurality of opinions coexist. The use of new biotechnology, particularly GMOs offers a number of economic, social and environmental risks. Not all are a consequence of the technology per se. They arise from the particular social settings, transcending the nature of the technology employed within those settings. Creative dialogue amongst governments, the scientific community, the private sector and civil society could provide new ways for sharing and evaluating new technologies where they offer prospects for greater efficiency or precision, for solving specific problems that have not able to be addressed by traditional practices or by other technology options.

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