biotechnology genetically modified organisms : GMOs Bt maize Bt cotton transgenic crops biosafety assessment food securityTags (biotech)
Author/s: Escaler, Margarita; Hautea, Randy A.; De Guzman, Panfilo
SEARCA Library
November 2002
Conclusion: The deployment of GM crops is totally changing the global landscape in agricultural production. Future trend in GM crops indicates rapid increase in global adoption largely because of the demonstrable benefits derived from the technology. Documented benefits include increased and protected crop yields, higher income, and greater flexibility in crop management. Results obtained from field trials and farm plantings substantiate crop biotechnology as a practical option to increase food production. Today, there is an increasing realization that crop biotechnology has the immense potential to contribute to agricultural productivity and sustainability and address the serious problem of meeting global food security demands. An open and broader exchange of information and knowledge on biotechnology will help provide the opportunity to link the needs of societies, particularly in developing countries, with an increasing array of cop biotechnology applications and related innovations that could be vital to their quest for food security.
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