
  Title: Vital N biofertilizer - a fertilizer that is not.


vital N biofertilizer compost organic fertilizer chemically induced inorganic fertilizer Dr. Ponciano M. Halos Arnichem Corporation PhilRice Azospirillum disease resistance Yellow Granex Cagayan Valley Ilocos Region corn rice biotechnology plant tolerance

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Mayuga, Jonathan L.





SEARCA Library


BIOLIFE: a quarterly magazine on biotechnology

Bioteochnology Coalition of the Philippines,

July-September 2005

Quezon City, Philippines :

Before farmers, had two options - the use of composts or organic fertilizer or the chemically-induced and more expensive inorganic fertilizer. A recent breakthrough in biotechnology now offers a third option: the use of a biofertilizer to complement plant stimulants for increased agricultural farm productivity while reducing health risks to both farmers and end-users or consumers. The Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) and Arnichem Corporation recently came up with Vital N biofertilizer, a friendly bacteria-based fertilizer that guarantees increased productivity. Vital N was scientifically proven to be environment-friendly and economical; it also guarantees a good harvest, especially for rice and corn farms.

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