
  Title: Things you need to know about Biotech: How to handle wrong information on biotechnology and genetically modified organisms.


biotechnology information genetically modified organisms Bt (bacillus thuringiensis) Bt corn Starlink controversy

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SEARCA Library


BIOLIFE: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines,

October-December 2005

Quezon City, Philippines :

In this segment, Dr. Saturnina Halos, one of the Filipino scientists who have devoted their knowledge and personal capacity to biotechnology for improved agriculture, answers misinformation and the issues faced by the MAOs in the community. These are the following questions: 1) Genetically modified (GM crops are dangerous to health and environment. 2) Some residents living near plantation of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) crops experienced skin allergies. Children and adults living near the area developed skin rashes because of pollen/flowers from BT corn. 3) There were incidences in other places where people reportedly developed allergies or got sick after GM crops were planted in the vicinity; 4) GM seeds are only good for the first two planting seasons; 5) GM seeds are very expensive for farmers; 6) GM crops kill other species/insects in the environment; 7) The multinational issue; 8) The ulterior motive of biotechnology advocates is to make money or business.

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