
  Title: Genetically modified food seeds: health, socio-economic, environmental and religious aspects, an Israeli perspective.


genetically modified (GM) foods genetically modified organisms : GMO Maimonides Judaism biodiversity monoculture ecosystem genetic modification organic fertilizers genetic engineering labeling outcrossing agriculture terminator genes traitor genes bioethics kitchen garden scheme human health allergenicity gene transfer

Tags (biotech)

Author/s: Leavitt, Frank J.





SEARCA Library


Asian Biotechnology and Development Review

Research and Information System for Developing Countries,


India :

Although concerns about genetically modified (GM) food seeds are serious and well-founded, the problems which these seeds raise are usually not unique to GM seeds alone. GM organisms are only one example of problematic new varieties or breeds. Large soybean and other monocultural plantations have serious environmental effects which GM seeds exacerbate. Although GM seeds may benefit large scale commercial agricultural, these and especially "terminator" and "traitor" genes, are a threat to small farmers. People have a right to know what they are eating, so labeling should be mandatory. Bioethics, like great philosophy, must grapple with the interface between science and religion. Spiritual and religious aspects of the GMO issue cannot be ignored. the question why corporations are investing in GMO technology will be discussed briefly because there is not much to say on the subject. There are viable alternatives to GM food seeds, especially organic methods such as the Kitchen Garden Scheme.

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