Author/s: Custodio, Carlo G. Jr.
SEARCA Library
Printed; electronic
SEARCA Policy Brief Series 2008-4
Los Banos, Laguna
The tune is far from being synced. A wide variation exists on the status of biosafety regulations in Southeast Asia. Some countries have operational regulations, while others have no regulation at all. Lao PDR has no biosafety regulation in place; Thailand has no legislation specific for GMOs; Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam have biosafety regulations that are still under development or are not yet fully operational; and the Philippines has already an operational system. With regard to approvals for planting, there have been none in Indonesia since 2001 when Bt cotton was approved for planting in limited areas in South Sulawesi. There are no approval for commercial planting in Thailand, but there are field trials of PRSV resistant papaya approved in December 2007- only in government facilities and subject to many conditions. In the Philippines, three single events and one combined trait were approved for commercial planting.
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