List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6499 Biochemical properties of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) hemoglobin. Nile tilapia fish hemoglobin tilapia hemoglobin

Kriangkrai Thongsarn; Wanchai Worawattanamateekul; Suriyan Tunkijjanukij; Choosri Sribhen; Apassara Choothesa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7263 Biocontrol of rice insect pests. rice insect pests biological control natural enemies pesticides augmentation parasitoids predators pathogens bacteria

Nas, Mark

serials agriculture magazine

8230 Bioconversion energy technologies: Catalysts for bioeconomical development in the ASEAN region. bioenergy bioconversion technologies ASEAN countries biofuels

Abdullah, Kamaruddin

serials asian biotechnology and development review

7548 Biodegradation of Lignin in Oil Palm Fronds by White Rot Fungi. lignin oil palm fronds white rot fungi ligninolytic enzymes laccase

Penpaka Namoolnoy; Sivawan Phoolphundh; Aporn Wongwicharn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7991 Biodiversity and organic farming: What do we know?. agri-environmental schemes organic farming biodiversity long-term field studies segregation

Rahmann, Gerold

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

4536 Biodiversity and the millennium development goals. biotechnology biodiversity poverty

Balakrishna Pisupati; Warner, Emilie

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8244 Biodiversity associated traditional knowledge and access and benefit sharing (ABS): A critical appraisal of Kani experience from a customary law. biodiversity bio-piracy Kani tribe

Paul, Salvin

serials asian biotechnology and development review

8315 Biodiversity enhancement on arable land: The effects of local management and landscape context. ecosystem services agriculture local habitat type landscape heterogeneity conservation agri-environment schemes land use invertebrates

Heard, Matthew S.; Carvell, Claire; Pywell, Richard; Woodcock, Ben

serials fftc extension bulletin 632

4956 Biodiversity loss in Sumatra, Indonesia : Vegetation fires: cause or symptom?. Vegetation fires: cause or symptom?. Vegetation fires forest cover myths biodiversity loss Indonesia

Bowen, M. Roderick; Borger, Bert H.

serials asean biodiversity

3344 Biodiversity research and ICLARM

Palomares, M.L.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly