List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7384 Effect of Dehusking and Silk Removing Methods and Storage Temperatures on Fresh and Canned Babycorn. babycorn, storage, processing,

Teeranud Romphophak

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4509 Effect of diazinon 60 EC on Anabas testudineus, Channa punctatus and Barbodes gonionotus. pesticides residual effects Anabas testudineus Channa punctatus Barbodes gonionotus hypertrophy necrosis pyknosis hepatocytes

Rahman, M.Z.; Hossain, Z.; Mollah, M.F.A.; Ahmed, G.U.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

15298 Effect of diet on the longevity and oviposition performance of black soldier flies, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) food supply; rearing method; reproductive performance

Aye Aye Thinn; Yooichi Kainoh

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9030 Effect of different alkaline treatment on the release of ferulic acid from oil palm empty fruit bunch fibres. oil palm empty fruit brunch lignin alkaline hydrolysate ferulic acid sodium bisulphite

Fairouz Jahaan Mohd Aanifah; Phang Lai Yee; Helmi Wasoh; Suraini Abd-Aziz

serials journal of oil palm research

7348 Effect of Dry and Wet Packing on Quality of Cut Orchid Flowers of Dendrobium. bud opening orchid flowers packing dry packing wet vase life

Saichol Ketsa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6632 Effect of dry season cutting management on subsequent forage yield and quality of ruzi (brachiaria ruziziensis) and dwarf napier (pennisetum purpureum L.) in Thailand. dwarf napier ruzi cutting height forage yield dry season

Tadesse Tekletsadik; Sayan Tudsri; Sunanta Juntakool; Somkiert Prasanpanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6455 Effect of Dry-and Wet-Milling Processes on Chemical, Physicochemical Properties and Starch Molecular Structures of Rice Starches. rice starch physicochemical properties dry-milled wet-milled starch molecular structure

Anocha Suksomboon; Onanong Naivikul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6558 Effect of drying conditions on qualities of dried wampee (clausena lansium (lour) skeels). wampee volatiles GC-MS sabinene monoterpene

Pratheung Chokeprasert; Tzou-Chi Huang; Ho-Hsien Chen; Sombat Khotavivattana; Chintana Oupadisskoon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6439 Effect of Drying Methods on Chemical Composition, Color and Antioxidant Properties of Thai Red Curry Powder. antioxidant activity phenolic content hot-air drying microwave drying Thai red curry powder

Sudathip Inchuen; Woatthichai Narkrugsa; Pimpen Pornchaloempong

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6862 Effect of effective microorganism on the changing of water resource. EM water quality orchards

Saovanee Soontornpitak; Pramote Sirirote; Aree Chaiyapinant; Sunantha Srisook

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science