List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12932 Forced molting extends duck's egg production ducks duck eggs molting serials agriculture magazine

8804 Foreign labor in Singapore: Rationale, policies, impacts and issues. foreign labor trade capital

Siow Yue Chia

serials philippine journal of development

15806 Foreign labor shortages in the Malaysian palm oil industry: Impacts and recommendations migrant labor; palm oil; Malaysia plantations

Crowley, Megan Z.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

8010 Forest adaptation to climate change - options and limitations. adaptation strategy Douglas fir drought european beech forest genetics heat provenance silviculture storm

Bolte, Andreas; Degen, Bernd

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

5961 Forest farming is a profitable solution to global warming. global warming trees forest farming

Emnas, Joseph L.

serials agriculture magazine

4957 Forest fire in Malaysia : Its management and impact on biodiversity. Forest fires biodiversity forest protection action plan government agencies Malaysia

Ahmad Zainal Mat Isa

serials asean biodiversity

13214 Forest fire: Strategies and smart technology for control and prevention drought; fire; fire assessment; forecasting; forest fire; fire prevention; prescribed burning serials pcaarrd information bulletin no. 87

4955 Forest fires in the ASEAN region : Data, definitions and disaster?. Forest fires data requirements Cambodia Lao PDR Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Thailand Vietnam

Moore, Peter F.

serials asean biodiversity

14171 Forest Wood Garden: Farm tourism destination with a culinary twist farm tourism; SME; small and medium enterprises; farm to plate; Filipino cuisine

Urlanda, Randy V.

serials agriculture magazine

16083 Forging alliances toward better coastal resource management in the Philippines: The case of Banate Bay costal resource management; natural resource management; policy brief; Banate Bay; Philippines

Arcenas, Agustin; Capuno, Joseph; Ferrer, Alice Joan

serials searca policy brief series 2010-5