List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13765 Lake Sebu biodiversity to be assessed biodiversity; Lake Sebu; DOST

Manalili, Eduardo V.

serials agriculture magazine

8960 Lake Sebu revisited. Lake Sebu, fish kill, tilapia cage,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

7072 Lanao del Norte is Land of Milk, not MILF. dairy farm milk production milk feeding program Lanao del Norte

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

4816 Land evaluation for orchard plantation in selected districts of Chantaburi Province, Thailand. land use, Thailand,

Rung-Sun Im-Brb

serials araneta research journal

16642 Land suitability assessment for garlic in Region I agroclimatic condition; garlic; geographic information system; suitability assessment

Bucao, Dionisio S.; Utrera, Rodel T.; Galacgac, Evangeline S.; Sagsagat, Franklin C.

serials science and technology journal

4753 Land use characterization and training needs assessment within CMU watershed catchment. watershed, land use, agroforestry, inventory, water conservation, indigenous knowledge,

Lacandula, J.O.

serials cmu journal of science

8489 Landbank biogas CDM program for piggeries first of its kind in PH, Southeast Asia. biogas pig farm serials agriculture magazine

4347 Landcare Project in the Visayas come up with good results. conservation farming practices, soil fertility, natural vegetative filter strips, project, indigenous tree species,

Labra, J.

serials agriculture

5589 Landmark style bonsai. bonsai origin propagation prunning maintenance

Metilla, Serapion S.

serials agriculture magazine

5663 Landowners' and farmers' rights. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program jurisprudence landowner farmers rights land

Moreno, Ken

serials agriculture magazine