List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8019 Soil carbon Stocks in the U.S.: Current data and future inventories. soil survey, soil inventory, soil carbon stocks,

West, L.T.

serials fftc technical bulletin 184

15282 Soil carbon turnover and changes in soil nitrogen under the agropastoral system in Brazilian savannas (Cerrados) mineralized nitrogen; soybean

Takuji Nakamura; Cesar Miranda; Tsutomu Kanno; Yoshinari Ohwaki; Osni Souza; Maria Araujo; Manuel Macedo

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

3808 Soil conditioner cuts farm inputs by half. Soil conditioner, off season fruits,

Abello, Melpha

serials agriculture

4078 Soil conditioner does wonders to sugarcane, too. soil conditioner, sugarcane, biofertilizers,

Rubia, D.I.

serials agriculture

16274 Soil conservation decisions and upland corn productivity: A Philippine case study corn productivity; soil conservation; Philippines

Rola, Agnes C.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.; Harder, Dieldre S.; Alpuerto, Joe Marvin P.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

4485 Soil degradation in the coastal lowlands of Southeast Asia. acid sulfate soils, degradation, mangrove, swamp forest, tropical peat,

Kyuma, Kazutake

serials fftc extension bulletin 537

3554 Soil erosion in fields with volcanic ash soil in Handa Kogen and methods of control Volcanic soils, Ashes, Erosion, Soil types, Soil erosion,

Yasunori Iwamoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8300 Soil erosion measurement and control techniques. soil erosion, erosion control technique, sloping uplands, sandy loam, water quality, pollution,

Choi, Joongdae

serials fftc extension bulletin 568

5215 Soil fertility limitations of Ifugao rice terraces. rice terrraces, nutrient deficiency, soil analysis, soil fertility, MOET, Ifugao, Philippines,

Sigari, T.A.

serials philippine journal of crop science

5473 Soil is the foundation. microbial management, crop rotation, legumes, intercropping, composting, anaerobic composting, vermicomposting, green fertilizers, mulching, cover cropping,

Mikkelson, K.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine