List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7035 Cashew is not just about the nuts; it's about wine and prune, too. cashew wine prune cashew apple commercialization Palawan

Dela Cruz, Rita T.

serials agriculture magazine

6089 Cashing in on arrowroot flour production. arrowroot flour processing plant products DOST BPRE

Embuscado, Erwin S.

serials agriculture magazine

13678 Cashless agri-kapihan works fine agriculture; farming techniques

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5195 Cassava as feedstock for alcohol production. alcohol cassava molasses corn-cassava relay cropping systems feedstock monocrop relay cropping

Tagle, S.A.L.; Mendoza, T.C.

serials philippine journal of crop science

8957 Cassava farming helps farmers deal with climate change. cassava climate change granulators

Caliguiran, Vladimir B.

serials agriculture magazine

12906 Cassave more profitable than corn cassava production cassava business

Fukasawa,Pia Sarina

serials agriculture magazine

4951 Cat Tien National Park, Dong Nai, Lam Dong and Binh Phuoc Provinces of Vietnam : Profiles. Park mammals species park administration serials asean biodiversity

4851 Catalytic activity of some fruit and vegetable juices. fruits vegetables juices catalase enzyme pH orange melon green papaya pears pineapple tomato ampalaya carrot chayote cucumber potato radish squash sweet potatoes turnips

Castillo, R.B.; Berroya, A.C.; Bolinget, E.G.; Cadawan, P.C.; Ely, L.L.; Lee, J.A.; Sagalla, L.D.

serials bsu research journal

7985 Catalytic conversion of renewables: Kinetic and mechanistic aspects of the gold-catalyzed liquid-phase glucose oxidation. conversion of renewables gold catalyst glucose oxidation kinetics mechanism

PruBe, Ulf Heidinger,Sebastian; Baatz, Christine

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

15370 Catalyzing the next generation of STEM global citizens STEM; global skills; SDGs; PPPs; global competence

Obst, D.; Cassiano, A. C.; Miladinovic, M.; Reilly, S.

serials journal of southeast asian education