List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6457 Characterization of Pregelatinized and Heat Moisture Treated Rice Flours. pregelatinization heat moisture treatment pregel flour heat moisture treated flour rice noodles

Chuleekorn Wadchararat; Masubon Thongngam; Onanong Naivikul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

9170 Characterization of PSPA cell differentiation, an established pig preadipocyte cell line as an in vitro model for pig fat development. biotechnology fatty acid adipose tissue

Ikuyo Nakajima

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6348 Characterization of the Sugar Utilization Gene polS from Ralstonia Solanacearum. Ralstonia Solanacearum sorbitol dehydrogenase polS sugar utilization

Duangkhae Kanjanasopa; Orawan Chatchawankanphanich; Srimek Chowpongpang; Wichai Kositratana; Niphone Thaveechai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4988 Characterization of three benzoate degrading anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria isolated from the environment anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria benzoate degradation bacteria morphological properties physiological properties

Dwi Suryanto; Antonius Suwanto; Anja Meryandini

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

4987 Characterization of xylanase from a xylanolytic-thermophilic bacterium isolated from Gunung Pancar Hot Spring, West Java xylanase xylanolytic-thermophilic bacteria enzyme

Irawan Tan; Antonius Suwanto; Suhartono, Maggy T.; Tresnawati Purwadaria

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

14443 Characterizing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices in the Philippines corporate social responsibility; triple bottom line; philanthropy; corporate citizenship; CSR practice

Anonuevo, Augustus T.

serials up los banos journal

3969 Charcoal for treatment of colored wastewater. charcoal chemical treatment adsorption dyes

Mari, E.L.; Moran, S.R.; Estudillo, C.P.

serials fprdi journal

14534 Charming Snow, a new cauliflower variety cauliflower; variety; yields

Ancheta, Aubregyn

serials agriculture magazine

5356 Charting a course for ICM in Danang, Vietnam: A convergence of political will, stakeholder support and mobilization. integrated coastal management projects collaborations public awareness Danang Vietnam

Nong Thi Ngoc Minh

serials tropical coasts

3228 Charts for the rapid estimation of percentages and numbers of plants and/or animals in samples Sampling Analytical methods

Christensen, M.S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly