List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6619 Chitin degradation by the resting cells of chitinolytic microorganism. chitinolytic microorganism chitin degradation resting cell ultrasonic freeze-thaw

Somchai Krairak; NIsa Budda

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6680 Chitinase and carbonic anhydrase activities during molting cycle of mud crab (Scylla serrata Forskal 1775). chitinase carbonic anhydrase mud crab molting

Jintana Salaenoi; Mingkwan Mingmuang; Arunee Engkagul; Prathak Tabthipwon; Amara Thongpan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6488 Chitobiase, Proteinase, Glycogen and some Trace Elements during Molting Cycle of Mud Crab (Scylla serrata Forskal 1775). molting cycle chitobiase proteinase glycogen mud crab trace elements

Jintana Salaenoi; Jitlada Bootpugdeethum; Mingkwan Mingmuang; Amara Thongpan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6119 Chlorine and you (First of two parts). chlorine benefits ecological hazards harmful effects

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

4751 Chlorine-free bleaching of kraft pulp from oil palm empty fruit bunches. forestry forest products oxygen ozone hydrogen peroxide bleaching kraft pulping

Ryohei Tanaka; Wan Rosli, W.D.; Kengo Magara

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6468 Chloroplast Diversity and Phylogeny in Wild and Cultivated Rice (Oryza spp.). chloroplast diversity phylogeny and oryza

Siriporn Chuayjaeng; Hugo Volkaert

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6036 Choose and produce your Sander's dracaena. Dracaena sandera Ribbon plant classification propagation potting lighting watering fertilizer application crop protection

Aurigue, Fernando B.

serials agriculture magazine

4674 Choosing the right packaging for your product. packaging materials product requirement metal plastic glass serials agriculture

7774 Chrysanthemum drinks are healthy. Chrysanthemum tea health benefits b-carotene wine medicinal value

Andam, Carlos J.

serials agriculture magazine

3630 Chuzan disease as congenital hydranencephaly - Cerebellar hypoplasia syndrome in calves Postmortem examination Immunology Epidemiology Disease control Animal diseases Calves

Yasuo Miura; Masanori Kubo; Yoshiyuki Goto; Yuji Kono

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)