List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
5401 CLC and Fund Conventions in the East Asian seas region. oil pollution conventions benefits International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage environmental damage oil tankers

Bernad, S.R.; Ross, S.A.; Manguiat, M.S.

serials tropical coasts

5649 Clean waters and agriculture - We can have it both ways. waters erosion runoff waterways filtration drainage ditches serials agriculture magazine

8578 Cleaning honeycombs with ozone. honeycombs ozone honeybees

Suszkiw, Jan

serials agriculture magazine

3229 Clearing up some misconceptions: open access vs. common property

Pomeroy, R.S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

16097 Climate change adaptation in agriculture in Southeast Asia: Broad trends and some policy and research recommendations climate change; food security; policy brief

Ancog, Rico; Ticsay, Mariliza V.

serials searca policy brief series 2013-2

16641 Climate change adaptation strategies for a resilient rice-based production system: The case of the Zanjera farmers in Ilocos Norte, Philippines climate change impacts; indigenous irrigation management; local adaptation strategy; rice-based production system

Balisacan, Criselda M.; Julian, Constante B.; Rafael, Lory B.; Aquino, Susan G.; Damaso, Erle Stanley G.; Sabuco, Corazon A.; Flojo, Lagrimas J.

serials science and technology journal

9037 Climate change and agriculture in Yemen. climate change agriculture Yemen

Mohammed Abdulwasea Abdulfattah Al-kharasani

serials journal of rural development

16264 Climate change and Asian agriculture food production systems; climate change; agriculture; yield; production; impacts; socioeconomic and food security implications; farm-level adaptation; mitigation; carbon sequestration; GHG emissions; bioenergy; adaptation responses; Asia

Rosegrant, Mark W.; Yohe, Gary; Ewing, Mandy; Valmonte-Santos, Rowena; Zhu, Tingju; Burton, Ian; Huq, Saleemul

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

8013 Climate change and forest management - accordances and differences between the German states regarding assessments for needs and strategies towards. drought storm adaptiveness tree species biotic threats stress tolerance silviculture monitoring site mapping

Bolte, Andreas; et. al.

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

9088 Climate change and our fisheries. climate change fisheries mangroves coral reefs

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine