List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6383 Comparative Karyomorphological Study Between Male and Female Plants of Some Cycas and Zamia Species. cytogenetics sex determination karyotype idiogram satellite chromosome

Nitsri Sangduen; Methanee Toahsakul; Vipa Hongtrakul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3844 Comparative performance of coconut transplanted to cadang-cadang-affected and non-affected areas : II. Thirteenth to twentieth year. Coconut Cadang-cadang : Plant diseases

Velasco, J.R.; Sierra, Z.N.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

6498 Comparative performances of holstein-friesian cows under smallholder and large scale farmers' management in central rift valley, Ethiopia. farm scales parity productivity dairy cows Ethiopia

Nega Tolla; Pravee Vijchulata; Pornsri Chairatanayuth; Suwapong Swsdiphanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5187 Comparative productivity and profitability of cotton grown after rice (Luzon) and after corn (Mindanao) in the Philippines. cotton production acidic soils best practices boll rotting boll weevil bollworm fertilizer infestation net income NPK productivity profitability Trichogramma

Damo, C.B.; Mendoza, T.C.

serials philippine journal of crop science

5190 Comparative productivity and seed quality of mungbean grown under organic and conventional production systems. chemical fertilizer germination Gliricida leaves fertilizer moisture content mungbean organic fertilizer poultry manure seed quality seed vigor seed yield sustainable agriculture

Aquino, A.L.; Fernandez, P.G.

serials philippine journal of crop science

6842 Comparative studies on compost production using EM and other microorganisms. compost microorganisms effective microorganisms compost production

Somsak Vangnai; Pawana Likananonta; Yenchai Vasuvat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7511 Comparative Studies on Laying Performance and Egg Components of the Native and Commercial Laying Hens. native hen commercial laying hen hen-day egg production egg weight egg component

Ratana Chotesangasa; Supaporn Isriyodom; Nirat Gongruttananun

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7550 Comparative Study of Bioethanol Production from Cassava Peels by Monoculture and Co-Culture of Yeast. cassava peels ethanol amylolytic yeast

Jirasak Kongkiattikajorn; Buddhiporn Sornvoraweat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7428 Comparative Study of The ATP Level of Swamp Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and Cow (Bos indicus) Red Cells. adenosine tri phosphate (ATP) swamp buffalo red cells cow red cells

Boonyun Sarikabhuti

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3872 Comparative study on the physico-chemical properties and fatty acid profile of structured lipids and physical blend derived from coconut and corn oils (A research note) Coconut oil corn oil fatty acid lipids

Colis, Juan Cliff F.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies