List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16178 Consumer preference of table banana quality by income groups in the Philippines: Hedonic price analysis banana quality; consumer preference; hedonic price analysis; income groups

Basan, Romiel John P.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

8612 Consumers to enjoy nutrient-rich in the future. rice biotechnology

Bumanlag, Rowena G.

serials agriculture magazine

8335 Consumption of vegetables among adolescents in non-coed dormitories at the University of the Philippines Los Baños. adolescents consumption vegetables

Barrion, Aimee Sheree A.; Castro, Verginia J.

serials journal of human ecology

4507 Consumption to biomass (Q/B) ratio and estimates of Q/B-predictor parameters for Caribbean fishes. consumption biomass fish stocks fishes species

Garcia, C.B.; Duarte, L.O.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14816 Contaminated Bacillus cereus in Lao and Thai fermented soybean "Tua Nao" Bacillus cereus; fermented soybean; food poisoning, RAPD-PCR

Inatsu, Yasuhiro; Chotiko, Arranee; Ananchaipattana, Chiraporn

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6773 Contamination of salmonella in chicken and pork products. salmonella chicken meat pork products

Sumalee Boonmar; Nopharat Marnrim; Srirat Pornruangwong; Aroon Bangtrakulnonth

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8154 Content framework for inter-molecular forces. framework concept map inter-molecular forces

Tan, Kim Chwee D.; Chan, Kim S.

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

4131 Content of microelements in selected imported food items. arsenic cadmium chromium copper mercury manganese nickel lead zinc tea coffee beans

Miholova, D.; Skarkova, L.; Hrdinkova, J.; Kolihova, D.; Szakova, J.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

4133 Content of microelements in selected samples of amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) seeds. arsenic cadmium chromium copper mercury manganese nickel lead zinc amaranth seeds

Skarkova, L.; Holubova, K.; Miholova, D.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

4127 Content of nitrate and oxalic acid in biomass of selected genotypes of amaranth (Amaranthus sp.). amaranth nitrate oxalic acid

Holubova, K.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica