ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9177 | Development of a tool for socio-economic evaluation of agricultural technologies directed toward adaptation to climate change. | agricultural economics input-output model | Shintaro Kobayashi; Furuya, Jun |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
9191 | Development of allometric equations for tree biomass in forest ecosystem in Paraguay. | forestry forest product allometric models atlantic forests Chaco forests REDD-plus | Tamotsu Sato; Masahiro Saito; Ramirez, Delia; Perez de Molas, Lidia F.; Jumpei Toriyama; Yukako Monda; Yoshiyuki Kiyono |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
14609 | Development of an alternative technology package for processing sea cucumber | sea cucumber; trepang; processing technology package; hybrid dryer | Pangan, Ronel S.; Yaptenco, Kevin F.; Pardua, Sharmaine N.; Duque, Jonnel Andrew C. |
serials | philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering |
4745 | Development of an automatic silkworm larvae hemolymph collection system by infrared laser beam incision technique [Review]. | biotechnology silkworm hemolymph | Toru Kobayashi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6546 | Development of anti-dandruff shampoo from kaffir lime which is the by-product of food industry. | kaffir lime oil shampoo anti-dandruff | Prasart Foo-trakul; Chonlada Watchiradatsatiean |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3566 | Development of automatic fog culture system for year-round rice production in greenhouse | crop production solar radiation | Yuichi Nagaya; et. al. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
3550 | Development of automatic sugar beet transplanter using chain pots | Agricultural machinery automation drop chute furrow opener paper pot seedling | Tetsuo Nambu; Keiji Miyamoto; Kiyoaki Matsuda |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
6502 | Development of catalase gene nuclear DNA-based marker for population genetic analysis in Thai teak (tectona grandis L.f.). | catalase teak tectona grandis population genetics SSCP | Jongkon Cheua-ngam; Hugo Volkaert |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
3971 | Development of cation exchange resin from CNSL for heavy metal removal. | cation exchange resin cashew nut shell liquid cation exchange capacity heavy metal removal | Bato, R.C.; Tamayo, J.P.; Fidel, M.M. |
serials | fprdi journal |
3602 | Development of Chinese cabbage harvester | Mechanical harvester Agricultural machinery and equipment | Kanamitsu, M. |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |