List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16142 Determinants of adaptation for slow-onset hazards: The case of rice-farming households affected by seawater intrusion in Northern Mindanao, Philippines adaptation measures; measure-based index; multicriteria analysis; seawater intrusion; slow-onset hazard; Philippines

Almaden, Catherine Roween C.; Rola, Agnes C.; Baconguis, Rowena DT.; Pulhin, Juan M.; Camacho, Jose V. Jr.; Ancog, Rico C.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

8781 Determinants of adoption of crop diversification by smallholder rubber producers in Southern Thailand: Implications on natural resource conservation. rubber diversification farming system

Onanong Longpichai

serials the kasetsart journal

5297 Determinants of adoption of F1 hybrid rice in the Philippines. hybrid rice adoption adoption indicators adoptors

Catudan, B.M.; Arocena, A.C.

serials philrice technical bulletin

16164 Determinants of climate change adaptive behavior in coastal communities in Southeast Asia autonomous adaptation; climate change; coastal erosion; multivariate probit; saltwater intrusion; sea level rise

Sajise, Asa Jose U.; Ramirez, Paul Joseph B.; Perez, Maripaz L.; Arias, Jaimie Kim B.; Zamora, Glaiza J.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16282 Determinants of crop choices by Bangladeshi farmers: A bivariate probit analysis diversified cropping system; farmers; crop choices; Bangladesh

Rahman, Sanzidur

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16188 Determinants of demand for fertilizer: A case for India agriculture; demand; fertilizer; productivity; subsidy; India

Chakraborty, Kalyan

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16234 Determinants of household income: A quantile regression approach for four rice-producing areas in the Philippines household income; rice farming; quantile regression

Pede, Valerien O.; Luis, Joyce S.; Paris, Thelma R.; McKinley, Justin D.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16228 Determinants of land leasing decisions in shrimp farming in West Bengal, India: Implications for government policy leasing market; shrimp farming; tobit model; leasing-in; leasing-out

Bhattacharya, Poulomi

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

3245 Determinants of women's economic participation in the small-scale fisheries sector, Peninsular Malaysia women Malaysia

Yahaya, J.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14624 Determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas transmission rates of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv 'Carabao') peel using exponential decay method and respiration mass balance oxygen transmission rate; carbon dioxide transmission rate; respiration rate mass balance; internal gas; fruit peel

Flores, Fidelina T.; Yaptenco, Kevin F.; Serrano, Edralina P.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering