List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13954 Efficiency of rice farming in the Philippines rice farming; PCAARRD; Philippines

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

6946 Efficiency of some selected organic wastes as nitrogen source for sweet corn grown on Kamphaeng Saen soil. waste management biogas production effluent organic fertilizer corn

Supamard Panichsakpatana

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6843 Efficiency test of composts produced by using EM (bokashi) compared to other microorganisms. compost inocculants efficiency of composts compost and vegetables

Pawana Likananonta; Somsak Vangnai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

16463 Efficient fishing method to control the population of rice eel, Monopterus albus (Synbranchidae) in rice fields in Cagayan Valley, Philippines rice eel; electro-fishing gadgets; hook and line; fish trap; efficiency; catch per unit effort

Ame, Evelyn C.; Mayo, Aeron D.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

3653 Efficient screening of rice varieties for resistance to rice green leafhopper by estimating the insect population with sticky boards Oryza sativa Varieties Nephotettix cincticeps Pest resistance

Imbe, T.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7033 Efficient, cost-effective and timely fertilizer application. PalayCheck System rice yield leaf color chart

Manalo, Jaime A. IV

serials agriculture magazine

3776 Egg industry cites key role in food security. federation egg producers egg consumption

Espino, Jake

serials agriculture

4408 Eggplant as a goldmine. eggplants production costs income

Sarian, Z.B.

serials agriculture

4405 Eggplant found to have antioxidant kick. eggplants phenolic acids chlorogenic acid compounds serials agriculture

14082 Eggplant resistant to insect pests being developed eggplant; insects; pests; varieties; insect pest resistance; PCAARRD

Peralta, Gabriel Paolo L.

serials agriculture magazine