List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7418 Effects of Utilization Systems, Planting Methods and Type of Grass on Pasture Production of Centro and Hamata Mixed with Ruzi and Para on a Small : Dairy Farm Conditions 2. Dry Matter Yield. production mixed pasture brachiaria ruziziensis centrosema pubescens stylosanthes guianensis

Sayan Tudsri; Pensri Sornprasit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7434 Effects of Utilization Systems, Planting Methods and Type of Grass on Pasture Production of Centro and Hamata Mixed with Ruzi and Para on a Small : Dairy Farm Conditions I. Establishment and Survival. establishment mixed pasture brachiaria ruziziensis B. mutica stylosanthes hamata centrosima pubiscens

Sayan Tudsri; Pensri Sornprasit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7398 Effects of Utilization Systems, Planting Methods and Type of Grasses on PAsture Production of Centro and Hamata Mixed with Ruzi and Para on a Small : Dairy Farm Conditions 3. Chemical Compositions. pasture quality mixed pasture brachiaria ruziziensis brachiaria mutica centrosema pubescens stylosanthes hamata

Sayan Tudsri; Unkana Harnbunjok

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6815 Effects of varieties and harvesting times on yield, paste viscosity and gelatinization properties of cassava starch. cassava starch harvesting period paste viscosity gelatinization properties

Chairat Petchalanuwat; Klanarong Srirath; Vichan Vichukit; Chareinsak Rojanaridpiched; Vudisak Pornprompratan; Watana Wattananon

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4737 Effects of variety and cultivating region on the color of soymilk and other soybean processing foods in Brazil. food soybeans soymilk color analysis varieties washing soils

Masayoshi Saito; Hiroshi Kudo; Mandarino, J.M.G.; Benassi, V.D.T.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

14623 Effects of varying binder types and binder percentages on mango (Mangifera indica L.) seed husk briquettes mango seed husk; densification; biomass briquette; binder material; binder ratio

Bawar, Rina A.

serials philippine journal of agricultural and biosystems engineering

15945 Effects of vitamin C supplementation to bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells on antioxidant and inflammatory biomarker status and cell viability with or without lipopolysaccharide stimulation cattle; immunity; in vitro

Otomaru, Konosuke; Miyahara, Takuro; Saita, Hiroto; Ijiri, Moe; Tsurudome, Natsuko; Maeda, Yosuke

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

6523 Effects of water deficit at tasseling on photosynthesis, development, and yield of corn. water deficit photosynthesis development yield corn

Nawarat Udomprasert; Janjaree Kijjanon; Katharat Chusri-iam; Aneknan Machuay

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6764 Effects of water deficit on growth and yield of cotton cultivar Sri Sumrong 60. cotton water deficit yield component and growth

Yves Crozat; Poonpipope Kasemsap; Anna Saimaneerat; Aphiphan Pookpakdi

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6568 Effects of water deprivation during the prelaying period on eggshell quality, wet droppings and blood physiology in laying hens. water deprivation ammonium chloride onset of lay laying hens eggshell wet droppings hematocrit plasma sodium kidneys humerus bone

Nirat Gongruttananun; Ratana Chotesangasa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science