List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13795 Effects of grazing or exercise in the middle of the fattening period on the growth and carcass traits of Japanese shorthorn steers grazing; carcass; fattening period; liver; spleen; biceps femoris muscle; quadriceps femoris muscle; animal industry

Mikito Higuchi; Nobuya Shiba; Mai Imanari; Miharu Yonai; Akira Watanabe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7394 Effects of Handling Stress of Gilts During Gestation on Embryonic Survival. swine stress embryo

Srinoy Chumkam; J.T. Yu; Chanvit Vajrabukka

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6434 Effects of Hom Mali Brown Rice Flour Extract on Aspergillus niger Growth. HMBRF amylase Aspergillus niger extract growth

Porndarun Junlakun; Vichai Haruthaithanasan; Penkwan Chompreeda; Walairut Chantarapanont

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6965 Effects of host growth stage, inoculation time, inoculation method, fungicides and host hybrid line on Alternaria blight development of sunflower. Alternaria blight Alternaria helianthi Alternaria zinniae Alternaria alternata sunflower Helianthus annuus

Sutruedee Prathuangwong; Samang Wongkoay

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6919 Effects of humic material, compost, chicken manure, deetoka, vigriphol, agrostemin, and chemical fertilizers on corn, N-fertilizer efficiency and soi : ... chemical fertilizers corn N-fertilizer efficiency organic manures soil hardness

Amnat Suwanarit

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6900 Effects of increasing heat loss on some physiological parameters of farrowing sows under tropical climate. pig heat stress parturition

Piratch Srichana; Chanvit Vajrabukka; Surachai Chakriyarat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

4148 Effects of induced soil compaction on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) seedling emergence from a Haplic phaeozem soil. soil compaction seedling emergence Haplic phaeozem

Owido, S.F.O.; Chemelil, M.C.; Nyawade, F.O.; Obadha, W.O.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

6726 Effects of intercropping groundnut and green-manure legumes to corn on the yields of corn and productivity and chemical properties of soil. chemical properties corn intercropping legumes productivity soil yields green manure

A. Suwanarit; N. Lekhasoonthrakorn; J. Rungchuang; S. Kritapirom

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14807 Effects of interplanting on fruit yield and dry matter production in greenhouse-grown tomato by integrating two different crop periods dry matter production; leaf area index; light use efficiency; soilless culture; Solanum lycopersicum

Kinoshita, Takafumi; Yamazaki, Hiromichi; Inamoto, Katsuhiko

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8753 Effects of kaolin clay coating on mango leaf gas exchange, fruit yield and quality. kaolin clay mango leaf gas fruit yield

Teerarat Chamchaiyaporn; Kanapol Jutamanee; Poonpipope Kasemsap; Pilanee Vaithanomsat; Charun Henpitak

serials the kasetsart journal