List of Serials : 8432

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
6592 Effects of dietary sodium bicarbonate supplementation on eggshell quality and hatchability in Thai native hens. Thai native hens sodium bicarbonate eggshell quality fecal moisture plasma pH plasma sodium hatchability

Nirat Gongruttananun; Ratana Chotesangasa

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6608 Effects of dietary supplementation of enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet on the performance of growing-finishing pigs (20-100 kg). growing-finishing pig NSPase soybean meal rich diet

Uthai Kanto; Sukanya Jattupornpong; Walter Vandepitte; Erik Vanderbeke

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6607 Effects of dietary supplementation of enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet on the performance of weaned pigs (4-8 weeks). weaned pigs enzymes in a soybean meal rich diet NSPase

Uthai Kantoo; Sukanya Jattupornpong; Walter Vandepitte; Erik Vanderbeke

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7640 Effects of different heating treatment and storage time on formation of resistant starch from potato starch. potato starch resistant starch heating treatment storage time

Chinfu Chou; Mingchang Wu; Budi Nurtama; Jenshinn Lin

serials the kasetsart journal

6378 Effects of Different Organic Amendments and Chemical Fertilizer on Plant Growth and Grain Yield of Soybean on Pakchong Soil Series. organic amendments jatropha extracts and cake chitosan extracts fish waste extracts

Thu Zar Myint; Isara Sooksathan; Rungsarid Kaveeta; Sunanta Juntakool

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5262 Effects of different UV irradiations on properties of cassava starch and biscuit expansion. cassava starch baking expansion UV irradiations pasting properties

Vatanasuchart, N.; Naivikul, O.; Charoenrein, S.; Sriroth, K.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

8755 Effects of drought and tapping for latex production on water relations of Hevea brasiliensis trees. latex Hevea brasiliensis drought

Sumit Kunjetr, Philippe Thaler; Gay, Frederic; Pisamai Chuntuma; Kumut Sangkhasila; Poonpipope Kasemsap

serials the kasetsart journal

8868 Effects of drought stress on the metabolic properties of active oxygen species, nitrogen and photosynthesis in cucumber Jinchun No. 5 seedlings. cucumber hydrogen peroxide malondialdehyde stomatal conductance

Jincai Li; Yasuyo Nishimura; Xiheng Zhao; Yasufumi Fukumoto

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7677 Effects of drought tolerant quantitative trait loci on flowering traits, panicle exsertion rate, spikelet sterility and grain yield of rice under : rainfed lowland conditions. rainfed lowland conditions. drought tolerance backcross introgression line flowering panicle exsertion rate

Rathmuny Then; Siangliw, Jonaliza L.; Apichart Vanavichit; Poonpipope Kasemsap; Shu Fukai; Theerayyut Toojinda

serials the kasetsart journal

6846 Effects of effective microorganism on corn growth and yield. effective microorganism corn

Narongsak Senanarong; Satil Areerak; Umnart Chinchet; Wanpen Sritongchai; Banhan Tangchum

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science